
Biblical Responses to the Poor & Marginalized

Proceedings of the Seventh Annual CBAP Convention, 2006
230 PhP / $ 15.00
6" x 9" / 120 pp.

+In Christ - Incorporation of the Marginalized Gentiles into the Covenant Community (Bernardita Dianzon, FSP)
+Recovering Marginalized Groups in Ancient Israel (Gale A. Yee)
+The Poor and Marginalized in the Gospel of John (Miriam Alejabdrino, OSB)
+From Marginalization to Inclusion (Bienvenido Q. Baisas, OFM)
+Eschatology and Ethics in the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians (Renato Repole, SJ)
+Purity of Heart - Christ’s Fundamental Demand on a Persecuted Community, Matthew 5:3-11(12-16) (Leander V. Barrot, OAR)
+Polytheism in Ancient Israel: The Archaeological Evidence (Rustam C. Sabularse)

Women in Ancient Israel & the Hebrew Bible

Gale A. Yee
150 PhP
6 x 9 in. / 45 pp.

+Women in Ancient Israel and the Hebrew Bible: Apples and Oranges?
+Modern Methods of Biblical Interpretation

+The Book of Ruth: An Asian American Reading

Scripture and the Quest for a New Society

Proceedings of the Fifth Annual CBAP Convention, 2005
230.00 PhP / $ 15.00
6" x 9" / 156 pp.

+The Christian and the State According to the New Testament (Arnold Monera)
+In Search of a Biblically-Based Political Theology (Paul D. Hanson)
+Endings and Beginnings (Anthony Ceresko, OSFS)
+…(NAB): Elihu’s Critique of Power and Wealth (Randolf C. Flores, SVD)
+A God Who Crushes Wars (Helen R. Graham, MM)
+Women in Early Christianity & the Institutionalization of Charisma (Herbert Schneider, SJ)

Religion and Politics: (Mis)Interpreting the Bible

Paul D. Hanson
150.00 PhP
6 x 9 in. / 62 pp.

+Jesus Christ, Savior and the Human Condition
+Worship: Touchstone of Christian Political Action

Ethical Dimensions in the Teaching of Jesus & Paul

Proceedings of the Fifth Annual CBAP Convention, 2004
230.00 PhP / $ 15.00
6" x 9" / 148 pp.

+The Paradox of Power and Weakness in 2 Cor 12:9-10 (Victor Nicdao)
+Jesus and Judaism: Why the Connection Still Matters (Amy-Jill Levine)
+Jesus Our Peace (Gil Alinsangan, SSP)
+Who Did Jesus Say the Son of Man Was? (Pablo David)
+Polemic against the Law in Galatians (Bernardita Dianzon, FSP)
+A Church of Lesser Members (Markus Locker)

Same Stories, Different Understandings

Amy-Jill Levine
120.00 PhP
6 x 9 in. / 78 pp.

+Same Stories, Different Understandings
+A Jewish Reading of the New Testament
+Hearing the Parables as Jesus’ First Followers Did

+Lord, Do You Not Care? (Luke 10:40)

Hope for a Suffering People

Proceedings of the Fourth Annual CBAP Convention, 2003
200.00 PhP / $ 15.00
6" x 9" / 144 pp.

+Hope in the Prophetic Literature of Israel (Charles Conroy, MSC)
+Hope for the Suffering People in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Alejandro Gobrin, CMF)
+Second Isaiah’s Message of Hope for the Exiles (Rodel Cajot)
+The Interpretation of the Song of Songs in St. Francis de Sales (Anthony Ceresko, OSFS)
+Disciples in a Globalized World (Herbert Schneider, SJ)

Journeys and Servants

Charles Conroy, MSC
100.00 PhP
6 x 9 / 62 pp.

+Abraham’s Journey of Faith
+Moses’ Journey of Leadership
+The Servant(s) of the Lord in the Book of Isaiah

The Roles of Women and Men in Scripture

Proceedings of the Third Annual CBAP Convention, 2002
180.00 PhP / $ 15.00
6" x 9" / 129 pp.

+The Roles of Women and Men in the Family, Society and Church (John Pilch)
+Roles of Men and Women in the Johannine Community (Niceta M. Vargas, OSA)
+Love and Covenant in the Teachings of Jesus Son of Sirach and Jesus of Nazareth (Anthony Ceresko, OSFS)
+Has God Ordained the Subordination of Wives to Husbands? (Herbert Schneider, SJ)
+Paul, Women and Midrash (Arche Ligo)

Windows in the Culture of the New Testament

John J. Pilch
100.00 PhP
6 x 9 / 77 pp.

+Did Bible Healings Really Happen?
+A Window to the Biblical World: No Thank You!
+Altered States of Consciousness Events in the Synoptics
+Appearances of the Risen Jesus in Cultural Context
+Paul’s Ecstatic Trance Experience
+Marriage in the Biblical World


Charism, Leadership and Community

Proceedings of the Second Annual CBAP Convention, 2001
120.00 PhP / $ 15.00
6" x 9" / 128 pp.

+The Roots of Collective Messianism in Deutero-Isaiah and Daniel (Pablo David)
+He Is Going before You into Galilee: Mark 16:6-8 and the Christian Community (Francis Moloney, SDB)
+Luke 15: An Invitation to Church Leaders’ Conversion to Jesus’ God Image (Bienvenido Baisas, OFM)
+The Identity of the Blind and the Lame in 2 Samuel 5:8b (Anthony Ceresko, OSFS)
+Prophey, Discernment, Community (B. Yocum)

+Liturgical Mini-Torah (Helen Graham, MM)

Story and Spirituality

Francis J. Moloney, SDB
50.00 PhP
6” x 9” / 38 pp.

+Telling God’s Story: The Gospel of John
+ Spirituality for the Third Millennium

Announcing a Year of Favor of the Lord

Proceedings of the First Annual CBAP Convention, 2000
120.00 PhP / $ 15.00

6" x 9" / 94 pp.

+To Be a New Creation (Jan Lambrecht, SJ)
+Reading the Isaiah Quotation in Luke (M. A. Co, RVM)
+The Encounter of Cultures (Anthony Ceresko, OSFS)
+The Fifth “R” of the Great Jubilee (Helen Graham, MM)
+A Suitable Soil for the Word (Crisostomo Yalung)
+The “One Thing” Necessary (Pablo David)

About Me

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Scripture Professor of Loyola School of Theology, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Hts., Quezon City, Philippines.